MBS Olympia Wood and Coal Cookstove

The MBS Olympia Wood and Coal Cookstove features an oven and baking pan which meets the world standard for quality, economy, and reliability. With it's small footprint, clean design, and high heat output, this cookstove is ideally suited for most home installations.
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The MBS Olympia Cookstove heats up to 3,000 square feet!
- EPA Exempt (Not EPA Exempt in Washington State)
Specifications | MBS Olympia Cookstove | |
Stove Dimensions | 44.3"H x 22.8"W x 24.6"D | |
Oven Dimensions | 11"H x 10.6"W x 16.7"D | |
Firebox Dimensions | 11"H x 14.8"W x 13.8"D | |
BTU Output (Wood / Coal) | 41,000 / 61,000 | |
Weight (Wood / Coal) | 355lbs / 408lbs | |
Efficiency | 87% | |
Flue Outlet | 4.72" - (Rear Vent Only) | |
Minimum Chimney Height | 15' | |
Fuel | Wood or Coal |

Note: The stove is not currently UL listed. Please check with your homeowners insurance to ensure this will not be a problem. Its also important to always follow your local building code.
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If you are planning to cook with a cookstove, you will need to understand some basic fire safety. Remember, extinguishing a grease or oil fire with water is not a good idea.
MBS Olympia Wood / Coal Cook Stove - Product Overview
MBS Olympia Wood / Coal Cook Stove - Stove Construction
MBS Olympia Cookstove - Technical Specifications - Construction of Wood / Coal Cook Stove
MBS Olympia Stacked Cook Stove - Cooking Stir Fry on Wood Cookstove
Olympia Stacked Wood Cook Stove - First Burn
Olympia Stacked Wood Cook Stove - Temperature Readings for Cookstove
Olympia Cookstove - Stacked Wood Cook Stove - Product Overview
Olympia Wood Cook Stove - Technical Overview on Serbian Multi Fuel Cookstove
Olympia Multi Fuel Cookstove - How to Use your Damper Controls on your Cook Stove